Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Characteristics of Air Volume Control Dampers

Air dampers increase the efficiency of an HVAC system. The different kinds of dampers in use today include the manual or motorized fire damper, duct damper and the volume control damper.

The air-volume control dampers are used to having a more accurate and precise flow of air within the HVAC or the Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning systems. The better volume control dampers have a long life, good tensile strength and specific designs for precise and system-friendly applications.

Shapes Of Volume Control Dampers 

The air volume control dampers control the air flow and consequently the air pressure, within an HVAC system. They should have the right size for a given air condition application. These dampers are produced in rectangular, square and round sizes. 

The rectangular dampers are used in 2 different forms. These include the “opposed-blade” and the “parallel” dampers. The blades of an opposed blade damper move opposite to each other.  The blades of a parallel blade damper are located parallel to each other and move in a single direction.  

The 2 Categories Of Air Volume Control Dampers
The air volume control dampers can be used in the exhaust, intake/supply or the mixed kinds of air applications of an HVAC system. The 2 categories of control dampers are the balancing and the commercial control dampers.

1. The Balancing Dampers
The balancing dampers regulate the air flow, but they do not provide for automatic control or shut-off. The manufacturers of these dampers also provide you with the hand-quadrants that can be used for installing and locking these dampers in their respective places.
Some balancing dampers also have the remote control feature. They can be operated remotely on a wall plate or at a diffuser. These remotely balanced volume control dampers are used in areas where the dampers could not be easily accessed, and their manual adjustment is not possible.
2. The Commercial Control Dampers
The commercial volume control dampers have the positive shut-off and the automatic control feature. So they do not require a manual operation, but their operation is quite similar to the operation of the manual balancing dampers.

The blades of a volume control damper can be made of stainless or galvanized steel. The blades of the damper should be symmetric at their axis-points. Symmetrical damper blades offer the same kind of operational characteristics, which is not dependent on the direction of the airflow. Hence, the dampers can be easily mounted in any of the flow directions, and the feature is advantageous in conditions where space is less.

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